Part of the pre-Evensong recital series at St. Thomas, Graeme will be playing music by living composers before the church’s Evensong service. The program will include:
Paul Hindemith (1895-1963)
Justin Rubin (b.1971)
Lucie Robert-Diessel (b.1936)
Naji Hakim (b.1955)
Olivier Messiaen (1908-1992)
S. Andrew Lloyd (b.1979)
Lebhaft (i) from Sonate II (1936)
Psalm 39 (2017)
Lied (printed 2005)
Selections from Expressions (1988)
Le Banque Celeste
Herzlich tut mich verlangen (2014)
You can find information about the E.M. Skinner instrument here: